Monday, November 13, 2006

"Leadership, The Seeds of Change & Friends"

Only 17% of respondents in a recent Gallup poll claim that their supervisors invest in their relationships. I find this to be true looking up too, and I hope that I will always be mindful of this in my own leadership. I must build trust, work to maintain relationships and avoid gossip at all costs. People want real leaders, and I believe that I am an emerging one.

My list of "vital friends": Mike P, Will H, Michael D, Donna NB, Lynda M, Julie S, Mary D, John B, Anne O, Lee T, Don L, Kathy H, Pat L, Kevin B, Amy M, Gael M, Lisa B, Justine M, TA mentors, TAs and most importantly students

The seeds of change can grow without sunshine and I am glad that I planted so many of them. I really don't need the sunshine, but I do miss it. I guess it is better than the alternative; I do a good job at avoiding the flood.


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